Sunday, December 23, 2007

Why Agents Need a Viable Website!

By Mack Perry

While many agents are finding times to be more stressful and earning a living in real estate has become more difficult, there are ways to succeed in today's marketplace. The most prominent way to succeed in today's environment is through a visible website. In the past, agents would have a website for the primary purpose of being able to state to a prospective client that they had one. The other agent's had a site, so in order to compete on a level playing field you had to have one also. Those days are gone.

Not only do you have to have a website but it had better be visible and be found on the search engines like Google, MSN, and Yahoo. The days of "my son knows how to build a site, so I'm going to let him do it" are also gone. To compete in today's marketplace, a viable real estate website must be optimized for the search engines. In doing this the key phrases that generate traffic to the site can be found. This is what generates the leads required to produce income so that agents can survive.

Search engine traffic to your site is "Type-In Traffic". What is meant by that? Simply stated, a visitor to your site typed a phrase into the search query of one of the search engines and the results page leads them to your site. There are a few important benefits to this kind of traffic. First off the visitor came to you. Should they elect to contact you, they contacted you! Remember the do-not-call list? If they contact you and you in turn follow up with them you have not violated the do-not-call list. Another benefit of the prospect contacting you would be that when you do your follow up it will not be considered spam. Heaven only knows how we have all come to despise spam. The final benefit that will be mentioned here deals with ROI. We are all business people that must be concerned with our return on investment. That's right, return on investment. By having a well optimized site, we as REALTORS can realize a decent return on our investment which in turn will reduce some of the stress associated with the environment we are doing business in.

This article was written by Mack Perry, an Atlanta, GA REALTOR. His website can be viewed at

Mack Perry - EzineArticles Expert Author

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