Friday, February 15, 2008

The Talent Of The Architect

By Mike Selvon 

The architect plays a bigger role in our lives than you might realize. Homes, office buildings, churches and recreational halls are all just some of the places that architectural styles touch our lives. Architects in the world today draw their inspiration from nature, history and art.

They study the form and function of past civilization's designs and how those concepts meshed together to create some of the most magnificent buildings that the world has ever seen. It is through this broad study of the arts, history and math that architects develop their educational background.

When a person decides to study architecture, he or she must decide on a specialty. There are quite a few branches of it to choose from. Interior design, urban, green and landscape architecture are only a few of the many areas in which architects can focus their talents.

The educational background is similar for all architects and consists of a broad selection of classes in the arts. It should make sense considering an architect is a talented artist who uses wood, concrete or steel to bring his or her concepts and designs to fruition.

The architect is usually expected to have a minimum of a four year degree and most architects go on to receive their Master's degree with extensive study in his or her selected field. After graduation, a period of internship is a great idea.

It is one thing to study how to do something and an entirely different matter to put the new found knowledge into practice. Practical experience under a knowledgeable hand in this field is invaluable. The internship is a great opportunity to explore different techniques as well.

There has to be a touch of artistry in order to fully embrace architecture. A keen eye for detail and a great imagination are essential components for designing the next great Wonder of the World. History has shown that the architect plays a much bigger role than just creating a home in which to live and an office in which to work.

He or she helps to define a civilization. Just as we associate the pyramids to the Egyptians, so too will people associate our buildings with us. Huge buildings and structures will rise and they will fall, but for those that stand the test of time, mankind will have made his mark for future civilization's to admire.

A free architecture audio gift awaits you at our portal site, where you can enrich your knowledge further about the architect. Your comment is much appreciated at our modern architecture blog.

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